Wednesday, February 09, 2005

New Straits Times » Sport: SPORTCHECK: Register for the money, clubs told

New Straits Times » SportSPORTCHECK: Register for the money, clubs told K.M. Boopathy Feb 9:
ALL sport clubs, as far as Sports Minister Datuk Azalina Othman Said is concerned, must be registered with the Sports Commissioner's office to enable them to receive direct funding.
The present structure where clubs come under the jurisdiction of national and State associations means the clubs are at their mercy and Azalina feels this should change.Azalina's reasoning, should it materialise, will also surely see a rebirth of the club structure in Malaysia."Our system has enabled the national associations to dictate terms and control the clubs. I prefer the clubs getting direct funding for development," said Azalina at her Ministry yesterday.THROW IN: Sports Minister Datuk Azalina Othman Said (right) throws footballs to reporters after the Everton-Rakan Muda clinics launch in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. On the left and second left are FAM vice-presidents Datuk Seri Ibrahim Saad and Datuk Raja Ahmad Zainuddin respectively. — Pic: KHAIRUL GHAZALIShe had earlier launched the Everton-Rakan Muda football clinics.While some feel that the States will "die' if clubs become direct affiliates of national associations, Azalina is all for it."This can happen if the clubs register with the Sports Commissioner's Office."By doing so, the active clubs can be considered for funding without having to seek the approval of the national associations."Sports Commissioner Tan Sri Elyas Omar will meet with the national associations on Tuesday to discuss a proposal which will allow clubs direct affiliation to them and Azalina said she supports the move."What matters is the development of athletes and that is why I prefer to have a system where clubs can get direct funding from the ministry."If we maintain the present structure where the funding is given to the national associations, I don't think the clubs can benefit as the national associations will still be calling the shots."Azalina focused her argument on taekwondo where most clubs have been doing sound development work but the Malaysian Taekwondo Association feel that they should be "returned" to the States.The clubs, termed associate members by the MTA, are directly affiliated to the national body currently but without voting rights. Azalina has already directed the MTA to accommodate the clubs and amend their constitution in order to give the clubs voting rights.However, the MTA have not adhered to the directive although they held their extraordinary general council (EGC) meeting on Feb 1.Instead, they have given their State affiliates a month to decide whether the clubs should be given voting rights. In fact, the MTA have already served notice of their Biennial General Council (BGC) on March 26.Azalina said that she has left the issue to Elyas to handle as he will be meeting the MTA, the States and clubs next Wednesday in a forum. But with Azalina committed to a thriving clubs structure, the forum should only be about getting the right formula where MTA's State affiliates will operate on the same level as the clubs.

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